Upcoming Events for 2025

Winter Quarters 1810-1826
Please note: this year's event is at the MAC, not at Spokane House
Museum of Art & Culture (MAC) 2316 1st Ave. Spokane, WA
January 11th, 2025
12:30 - 4:30
The Northwest Fur Trade Historians along with The Riverside State Park Foundation will be holding a living history event that will give visitors a window into what life was like during the winters at Spokane House from 1810-1826. Readings from the fort journal, guest speakers and much more.

Kettle Falls Fur Trade Encampment
Kettle Falls Historical Center 1188 St. Pauls Mission Rd, Kettle Falls, WA 99141
The Northwest Fur Trade Historians will set up a living history encampment on the grounds of the museum to give demonstrations for the public about the day-to-day life and survival skills of the men and women involved in the early fur trade of the Inland Northwest.

Spokane House Fur Trade Encampment and Symposium
10:00-5:00 Sat. & 11:00-4:00 Sun.
Come visit the years 1810-1826 at Spokane House. Experience what life was like at our living history fur trade encampment. Saturday and Sunday will be free days for entry to Riverside State Park. A flyer for the event can be viewed here. For directions to the Spokane House Interpretive Center click here.
See demonstrations of flintlock firearms, trapping, flint & steel fire making and many other traditional living skills.
Tour the campsites of traders, trappers, voyageurs and Indian "Daughters of the Country".
Visit the Spokane House Interpretive Center for free.
Fur Trade Symposium held 10:00-1:00 on Sat. Hear talks about various aspects of the fur trade.
Hear live music of the era.
Browse through a selection of historic trade goods for sale in the trade store.

Fort Connah Rendezvous
Open to public 11:00 - 4:00 each day.
Visit the oldest standing building in Montana! Fort Connah was established in 1846 by the Hudson's Bay Company. The Northwest Fur Trade Historians will be camped here and demonstrating fur trade skills for the public. Learn more about Fort Connah here.
6 miles north of St. Ignatius, Montana at mile marker 39 on Hwy 93.

Old Mission State Park's 43rd Annual Historic Skills Fair
This will mark 42 years for the Old Mission State Park holding this event. The Northwest Fur Trade Historians will set up a living history encampment on the grounds of the Cataldo Mission to give demonstrations for the public about the life and survival skills of the men and women involved in the early fur trade of the Inland Northwest. For directions to Old Mission State Park in Cataldo, Idaho click here.

Heritage Days at Sacajawea State Park
The Northwest Fur Trade Historians will have a camp representing the 1811 time period of David Thompson's canoe voyage down the Columbia River, during which he and his crew camped at this very spot. This is a unique event with encampments and displays reflecting many different periods in history. For directions to Sacajawea State Park click here.
10am-5pm Living history displays for the public

Archaeology Day at the MAC (Museum of Art and Culture) Spokane
Come visit us on National Archaeology Day at the MAC and learn about the lives of the fur traders and trappers in the early 19th century. Members of our group will have traditional camps set up on the lawn outside the museum, giving demonstrations on the skills used by these hardy individuals.

Harvest Festival- Museum of North Idaho, Coeur d'Alene
The Northwest Fur Trade Historians will be set up to talk about the early fur trade history of the Inland Northwest. There will also be food and games for the whole family.
The event will be taking place on the lawn of the new Museum at the old White House at the base of Tubbs Hill on 5th Ave. and Coeur d’Alene Ave